Celebrating International Coffee Day

On World Coffee Day, millions across the globe toast to the aromatic elixir that plays such a big part in our daily lives. As we bask in its rich flavour and aroma, we must also reflect on its cultural significance, the toil behind every cup, and the ever-evolving café culture that captivates us all – the many reasons that mean coffee reigns as the second most traded commodity worldwide. 

How Is The Coffee Industry Changing?

From gender representation to sustainable consumption, the world of coffee is transforming at a pace as brisk as a Parisian espresso shot. 

Greater Female Representation In Coffee Industry

Ah, the rise of female empowerment in the coffee realm! Now, an impressive 70% of roles within the industry are adorned by women. From skilfully picking coffee cherries to mastering the art of bean processing, their touch is evident. Their accomplishments, illuminated in the spotlight by New Ground Magazine, are surely just the beginning of the well-deserved recognition. Organisations like the International Women's Coffee Alliance champion the advancement of women, ensuring their mark on the industry is both recognised and celebrated. 

Rise Of Responsible Coffee Purchasing

Savoir-faire in coffee purchasing is taking a sustainable turn. Connoisseurs are increasingly seeking ethically sourced beans, driving an industry shift towards sustainability. The focus on direct trade relationships and certifications like Fair Trade are testament to this. Shade-grown coffee and eco-friendly farming methods are the ordre du jour, revealing a collective quest for ethical consumption, while fostering our planet's well-being. 

Making Coffee Accessible For All

Inclusivity in the coffee industry? Mais oui! Efforts to welcome everyone into the aromatic embrace of coffee have grown, ensuring that irrespective of background or preference, the joy of a perfect brew is universally accessible. From cosy nooks offering a myriad of flavours to mobile carts bringing joy to unexpected corners and with reasonable prices, the message is clear: coffee is for everyone, with no room for exclusivity. 

Rising Trend of Functional Coffee

For those seeking a morning perk with a health boost, voilà - functional coffee! Infused with ingredients like ashwagandha and MCT oil, this trend offers wellness in a cup. Catering to the health-conscious and the modern-day multitasker, functional coffee presents a delightful fusion of flavour and function. And it's making waves; the Functional Coffee Market is set to grow significantly, solidifying its place in our routines according to a report which looked at the functional coffee market. C'est magnifique! 

Coffee Shop Culture Is Growing

A café isn't merely a pitstop for caffeine; it's somewhere to create memorable experiences. A place to meet where time slows – inviting patrons to savour every sip and every moment. Studies suggest that the café ambience, even the tempo of background music, can shape our coffee experience. For instance, a serene melody might just make that latte taste smoother. With 32% frequenting coffee shops weekly, the allure of this immersive experience only deepens. Our article hub is all built around our love of creating memorable experiences, so make sure you have a look for more ideas of how to do this. 

As International Coffee Day nears, cafés and bars must tap into these evolving trends. From championing gender diversity to curating sensory experiences, the world of coffee beckons with endless possibilities. Ready for a sip? Allez, venez!   

Look at our Flavours to find your next piece of coffee inspiration. 

Close in, we can see coffee being poured through a coffee machine.

Elevate Classics

Coffee Coffee Shops Elevated Coffees



Coffee cup culture: the rise of the limited-edition cup

Coffee cups are the latest trends that cafes large and small are taking advantage of. Learn more about how it became a trend and how you can use it now.

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